Wednesday, December 9, 2009

T-dad wk 5 ch 2

Hey fam!

Pretty exciting news I'm getting all at once. I'll be sending some prayers up the line for Dad. We'll talk about it more on Christmas. It only cost me like $20 (if I remember correctly). It is 25 cents a minute, so like 90 minutes would be $22. So it's probably cheaper just to have me call you guys.

It is quite awakening to hear that Dad is getting old... I'm sure it is shocking for him too. lol well at least a deviated septum isn't as bad as a deviated rectum, but I hope he's getting checked for that too. haha sorry dirty joke.

Let's see... today we had our last district meeting of the change. We just had a big zone meeting/testimony meeting. It was really great. I wish we had done that on the first district meeting, it was really powerful. Then we went to the Durazno zoo. Sorry I don't have my card reader with me, otherwise I would send you guys pictures. We are getting pumped for our christmas missionary conference. it is next friday, which means that if I stay here (prayers would be appreciated so I do) I'll have to travel down twice in a week. Thank heavens for a savings plan.

Really great to hear about all the upcoming missions. I expect to be getting addresses so I can send them a note. :D It is also good to hear about Corry. I'm glad he's getting ready to graduate and start a new life. Isn't the program like three months longer or something like that?

But I hope he does well at SLCC getting ready for a senior college / university.

Not too much to report as far as the work. Just trying to work with the ward a little bit more. I tried passing around lists in the auxilary organizations to get phone numbers and schedules of the members and stuff, but the bishop said that the missionaries have already asked for that info like 4 times already and we don't need to be overbearing with the members. So we still don't have the info we need. But... oh well. We have another wedding this week (Elders Quorum president with the YW president), so we aren't going to have many lessons anyways.

Well, I love you a ton, and I'm sorry for the lack of news today. P-day quickly comes to a close. Robert Reed is coming home next Wednesday, I'm going to see if he has room in his suitcase to pack a christmas package for you guys. Love you all!

PS Anna-Kaarina aka Ankka is a Finnish girl from American School. She's on a student exchange. She's way cool. So it is probably finnish spam. lol

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