Wednesday, December 9, 2009

T-dad wk 4 ch 2

With vargas is on the exchange we did in Sarandì del Yì.

With the American school teachers.

Signing the ties is a few students signing our ties. Huzzah!

The ties they gave us.


Hey fam!

How's everyone doing? I was way busy last week. Monday: P-day. Tuesday: District Meeting and exchange in Centro. Wednesday: Baptismal interview and exchange extension (still in Centro). Thursday: Two parties (American School Thanksgiving and Marìa Eugenia`s wedding). Friday: Dentist in deo (finally finished!) and baptismal interviews/splits in Sarandì del Yì. Saturday: Teresita's baptism! Sunday: election of a communist president!

So... big events of the week. Tuesday after district meeting I did an exchange with Elder Bonilla... I worked with him in his area (Durazno Centro) and Elder Stilwell worked with Elder Fajardo here. Then we were going to do the interview Wednesday morning, but the candidate didn't get home from deo until the afternoon, so we had to extend the exchange.

We had plans to have the Elders from T-dad come to Durazno, wait like 10 minutes, then I'd go back with my comp to t-dad. But their bus got a flat tire on the highway, and they got to Durazno like 45 minutes late, thus missing the last bus to T-dad. Thus we extended the exchange even more, and we headed back home Thursday morning.

Thursday we had a few parties... yay! the first was Marìa Eugenia's wedding reception. It was way cool... she married a non-member... but we're going to start to work with him when his heart softens a little bit. Then we went to the American School for their end-of-year / Thanksgiving party. It was really fun, they had skits and songs and movies... all in English! Then they gifted us ties! But it was still really cool, and the kids who were graduating (10th grade because it is only a 4 year program) signed the ties. It was just so incredible and fun and lifting. Then we went to our correlation meeting.

We are seriously having some member problems in the ward... I'll be talking to pres da silva Tuesday about it to see what we can do and how we can handle it a bit better so that we can get work done.

Friday was a crazy day! We went to Deo really early in the morning, then we had to travel to Sarandì del Yì for some baptismal interviews. We got there early and did splits with the elders there. Then it started to rain. Hard. And all I had was my short sleeve shirt. Huzzah. So I did baptismal interviews completely soaked. Then we all slept on the floor with the two mattresses side by side... didn't sleep well at all. Then back to t-dad.

Tuesday we have District Meeting then Zone Conference. Should be interesting... we have three hours in the afternoon to have Zone Conference AND Interviews with the President. I don't know if I like it, but it's what the president says.

My district is doing great. We went up in all of the key indicators this week. Looking forward to another good week this week with less distractions and less sicknesses (Hermana Alejo has started a light treatment until the tests come back).

Pretty exciting HC call! What are your assignments as such? Any news on the 2nd counselor? Praying for a miracle! Oh yeah... I didn't get the call to play piano for Bednar. Kinda made me sad, because the piano player was a Sister from the other mission and (*pride caution*) wasn't as good as me. But it's alright. Still haven't found another missionary that plays the organ though.

Well, love you all! Shout out to the sibs, hope Corry likes his Thin Mint alfajores and that Tina doesn't go crazy not being able to play basketball!

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