Sunday, December 5, 2010

Another Week! (11/30/10)

raul.jpg is Raul's baptism pic. Daniel baptized him. (Raul's the bald one. He's 43.)

plata.jpg is the family we ate thanksgiving with. Good people, and they signed up for Christmas lunch too.

pancakes.jpg is our thanksgiving meal.

painting.jpg is Raul, Elder Davies, Daniel and I painting the house this saturday. We still need to buy a door and bedside tables, but at least the hard part is done.

nadia.jpg is Nadia's baptism pic. The whole family showed. Good times.

Hey fam!

Not much to report this week [that's a lie, we just don't have a lot of time and a picture is worth a thousand words (and you're getting 5)].

So we had a baptism Saturday out of the blue. Yay! Raul got baptized. Nadia too, but that's a ward baptism.

We found an awesome girl named Lucìa. She's super cool, 13 years old and her mom is worried about her because she is having teen issues. But she isn't really. We had our first lesson with her Wednesday, then she came to Mutual Saturday and church Sunday. Then yesterday we visited her and my comp (Elder Vera, we had a companion exchange) put a baptismal date for the 8th of January. Maybe if she progresses well we can baptize her the 1st and Dad can see a baptism in Uruguay. How cool would that be? Haha

Not much else on my end. I rolled my ankle bad playing soccer today. :( I think the only time I have felt more pain is when I straddled the tree. But that was significantly more pain, so no worries. Our travel time tripled though because we are traveling "en el once" (on the eleven - like 11 - two legs! haha spanish joke.)

Pedro Dominguez is rocking as bishop. I am super excited to have him.

We did confirm that we are doing a missionary fireside, but I have not yet been given a green light to prepare music. But I'll get it.

Ummmm I think that's it for today. I look forward to hearing from you guys next week. Good to hear that Tina's playing Varsity and that the Utes beat BYU. Next year are they still going to play - just out of conference? How's Utah's BCS ranking? My comp is rubbing in the fact that Oregon is #1 (yeah, he's a fan). Good to hear that Thanksgiving turned out well too.

Dad - be thinking about something small/cheap like a picture or something that we could gift to the families we visit when you come. We'll be visiting no more than 60 families. :D

Love you all!!!

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