Monday, December 20, 2010

Last Email *tear*

This is it... the last email! :(

you're so fine.jpg is my christmas present from our ex-mission leader Martin Moreno. :D

bishop.jpg is the bishop at our ward christmas party. Good guy. is our performance of La Nochebuena in our mission christmas conference (slightly modified, and with flute.)

We had our mission christmas fireside on friday. It was fun. Really great to see Wally and Monical again. :D We ended up pulling off Dad's arrangement of La Nochebuena, but we had to modify it. Hermana Enamorado played the flute, basically sight-read. She didn't want to play the harmony on the last verse or play in that weird key, so I had to work out a different modulation from Bb back down to G. I think it went alright (Bb/D, Cm, D7, G). Everyone loved it. I was pleased with the end result, considering that we had practiced it once for 5 minutes. A member from Maldonado lent us the flute, so we got it the day of the conference. Yay.

Afterwards we had our ward Christmas party, for which I made a meatloaf. It turned out looking weird. But we got there and it looked like the others, so I guess that's just how meatloaf looks. :P Lucìa went, she liked it. She isn't coming to church though because she has to help her mom in the feria on Sundays. So shoot.

Speaking of investigators, Claudia's kids went to church yesterday, but Claudia didn't because she went to visit her dad. The kids loved it though. We went to their house for the regularly scheduled lesson and Claudia said she wants to get baptized before I leave, but she thought I had a couple of months left. Nope, like two weeks. haha but then we had to tell her that she can't get baptized until she can keep the law of chastity (a guy is living with her). So she asked "so I have to get married?" we said that was one solution, and she said that she'll never get baptized then, because it isn't in her plans to get married. Then she asked "And if I were single? If he wasn't living with me?" We told her that would also be keeping the law of chastity and she would be able to be baptized. We reaffirmed that it was her decision and her decision only, and she said she'll let us know on Christmas. So that's that. We'll see what happens. I'm nervous, I think she's in a financial situation that she isn't going to want to break up with him. We'll see, I guess.

Alright, I think that's all the news.

Phone calls: I know it is going to mess up lunch and everything, but you need to call at noon. (5:00 our time). Elder Davies' parents will be calling at their noon (6:00 our time). The phone number is 011-598-2698-5244. If I do not get a phone call by 12:15, I'll call you at the house. But it would be better if you could call me. Elder Davies' parents have already had to call and they got through fine. They said it cost $75 for the 30 minute phone call... a calling card would be the best option by far. Or Google Voice or something.

Trip: everything is looking good. Just the Maldonado one needs work, I think I sent you the form again.

Well, that's all for this week. I'll see you next week, dad! hehe make sure to get another email off to the mission offices to finalize plans. I think they are going to pick you and Elder Wilde's parents up from the airport if necessary, so check to see what their plans are.

Love you all! Talk to you on Saturday!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Elder Thorderson's Report on his Mission Scheduled

I can't believe the time has finally come to an end, but we are soon to get Steven home again! He finishes his mission on December 28. On December 27, his dad will fly to Uruguay to meet him, tour the country, and safely deliver him to his mom on January 5th.

His Mission Report is scheduled for Sunday, January 9, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. He will be reporting to the Center Ward located at 868 N. Starcrest Dr. Salt Lake City, UT 84116 (building is located on the corner of 900 North and Starcrest Drive (about 1800 West)

Hey Family! (12/13/10)

Wow... two weeks.

Well we had an interesting week. We pulled a baptism out of nowhere, Agustina Balbi told us on wednesday that she wanted to get baptized before she went to Salto on vacation (this friday the 17th). So we baptized her saturday. She's super happy... it's weird. I don't really know what to think. But she made the decision all on her own. So huzzah.

Augustina's baptism

Lucìa is doing pretty good. We called her Friday to invite her to the baptism (she went) but she misunderstood when I invited her and she was like "I don't want to get baptized yet!" haha good times.

We are doing pretty well here in the area, not letting up on the reins. This Sunday Claudio's family came to church for all three hours, so that's a little miracle. They really liked it, Claudia loved the RS lesson.

Tina: here's a pic of a really old buoy on the beach. Thinking of you!

Well I love you all, not much else.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Counting down--NOT! (12/6/10)

Well we've got like one month left... I just looked at my watch and it says 12/06... that means less than one month. Wow.

We are doing pretty well here. Nothing out of the ordinary to report. Yesterday in church we counted 10 non-members. There may have been more, but we weren't able to confirm. 10 might be the most I have ever had on my mission. Claudia and her kids came (that was 3) and Lucas came again (Facundo Lavega's friend). Everybody else were new people. So that's good news. Lucìa couldn't come though. She had to help her mom work (she sells stuff at the weekly fair in Maldonado every friday and sunday morning).

Well we have our mission christmas fireside on the 17th. I talked to Sister Da Silva, and she says that each zone is going to be asked to provide a musical number. I plan on having Sister Lee (clarinet) and Sister Walton (singer) do La Nochebuena (thanks for the new music dad! we prefer the v2) representing their zone (Rocha) and see if I can talk my zone into doing Far Far Away. I'll have to work in the Sisters.

I told Elder Davies about Haloti - turns out Haloti was his hero when he was playing on the defensive line at Oregon. He's super jealous I got to play church ball with him, but just thinking about it brings back the back pain from getting boxed out by him. :P

Mom - I need a super good meat loaf recipe. I don't recall eating any meatloaf that I liked (hehe) but maybe you or Aunt Rebecca or Nanny have a good recipe. We have a ward activity and the price of admission is a meatloaf. So I'm going to give it a shot. No spicy allowed. I'll need the recipe for next week!

Hmmmm.... what else is there to report? I think that's it. No pictures today, didn't take any good ones this week. Sorry.

I'll look for Nativity scenes... but chances are slim I'll find anything, and if I do it'll be chinese. I'll need money to buy them too. The only iconic Uruguayan nativity I'd be able to find would be if everyone had light blue jerseys from the world cup (the baby Jesus wearing #10, of course).

Well, I love you all! Send me some pics of Tina playing ball this year! :D

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Another Week! (11/30/10)

raul.jpg is Raul's baptism pic. Daniel baptized him. (Raul's the bald one. He's 43.)

plata.jpg is the family we ate thanksgiving with. Good people, and they signed up for Christmas lunch too.

pancakes.jpg is our thanksgiving meal.

painting.jpg is Raul, Elder Davies, Daniel and I painting the house this saturday. We still need to buy a door and bedside tables, but at least the hard part is done.

nadia.jpg is Nadia's baptism pic. The whole family showed. Good times.

Hey fam!

Not much to report this week [that's a lie, we just don't have a lot of time and a picture is worth a thousand words (and you're getting 5)].

So we had a baptism Saturday out of the blue. Yay! Raul got baptized. Nadia too, but that's a ward baptism.

We found an awesome girl named Lucìa. She's super cool, 13 years old and her mom is worried about her because she is having teen issues. But she isn't really. We had our first lesson with her Wednesday, then she came to Mutual Saturday and church Sunday. Then yesterday we visited her and my comp (Elder Vera, we had a companion exchange) put a baptismal date for the 8th of January. Maybe if she progresses well we can baptize her the 1st and Dad can see a baptism in Uruguay. How cool would that be? Haha

Not much else on my end. I rolled my ankle bad playing soccer today. :( I think the only time I have felt more pain is when I straddled the tree. But that was significantly more pain, so no worries. Our travel time tripled though because we are traveling "en el once" (on the eleven - like 11 - two legs! haha spanish joke.)

Pedro Dominguez is rocking as bishop. I am super excited to have him.

We did confirm that we are doing a missionary fireside, but I have not yet been given a green light to prepare music. But I'll get it.

Ummmm I think that's it for today. I look forward to hearing from you guys next week. Good to hear that Tina's playing Varsity and that the Utes beat BYU. Next year are they still going to play - just out of conference? How's Utah's BCS ranking? My comp is rubbing in the fact that Oregon is #1 (yeah, he's a fan). Good to hear that Thanksgiving turned out well too.

Dad - be thinking about something small/cheap like a picture or something that we could gift to the families we visit when you come. We'll be visiting no more than 60 families. :D

Love you all!!!