Monday, October 4, 2010

Almost to Changes (9/27/10)

So here is a pic of the balbi fam in an FHE with the Puyol fam. Up top is (L > R) Oscar, Silvina, Agustina, Ignacio, and their friend Julia. Bottom is Elder Luke, me, Sister Puyol, Alain, and Brother Puyol. The Puyol fam has been helping us a ton with them.

Weird to think that today is our last pday before changes... we're pretty nervous to find out what is going to happen. We really want to stay together, we are doing super good work and are super excited. But we're pretty sure we're splitting. Elder Luke is pretty sad because he is pretty sure he's leaving his golden family. But we'll see what happens.

We had Youth Conference this weekend, all in all we had FIVE investigators attend! Agustina, Ignacio, and Julia, and a member's girlfriend Soledad that just started taking the charlas (she's been going to church for 2 months) and Lucas' brother Nicolas (but we aren't sure if he is going to end up getting baptized... he's pretty lost right now.) So it was SUPER successful and they had a pretty good time. It was good for Agustina and Julia to get acquainted with the other young women, that's their biggest issue right now (social, not spiritual doubts). Balbi is still doing good for their marraige the 22nd, the ward wants to plan a reception in the church. Huzzah!

Ummmm I got my temple recommend renewed today (we cleaned the temple as a zone). It was WEIRD hearing the questions in spanish, but I guess I answered OK.

I recorded a video for Sarah Jane's birthday, but it is too big for Google. So that sucks. Happy birthday SJ!

Let's see... Glad to hear disneyland went OK. I find it pretty funny that Emily's pooping habits get brought up in every other email... you might have to start her on the Mineral Oil (heh Corry) I look forward to Disneyworld next year. *cough*

I think that's it for the day. We are still doing really good and we need your prayers for Balbi! I'm going to send weenie a quick email.

Love you all!

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