Wednesday, September 1, 2010

El Pinar--Woot! 8/30/10

Hey fam!

We are doing good here in El Pinar. It's an awesome area... We are really excited to be working here. We are working with a couple of families, so that's good. There's the Balbi family, they are what some would call "golden." They are a family of four, and they are all pretty stinkin interested. They always read, and three say that God is answering their prayers about the Book of Mormon (mom says she feels good, but is waiting for something a little more concrete). Today we're taking some time out of p-day to do an FHE with them and a STUD couple in the ward. We're going to talk about obedience (they didn't go to church yesterday). So that's all good. We're also teaching the family of a recent convert. He just got baptized saturday (the saturday before I got here) and his mom has been inactive for years, she's coming back now and the other 4 baptizable kids want to get baptized.

We've got some work to do here! :D

Well it turns out I am not a DL... the pres called 2 DLs when in reality there is just one district (the other district is all sister missionaries) so he ended up calling Elder Mendoza instead of me. It's all good... just gotta keep myself humble and not get frustrated. But the pres needed to call more younger leaders because like half of the current leaders are going to finish the mission before the end of the year, so he's trying to get some fresh blood in. So basically Elder Luke and I can just work and focus on our work and not have to worry too much about the rest of the district. :D

Oh, fyi, my pdays are back to Monday. So... yeah.

There is another young Analìa here that loves helping the missionaries, weird huh? Her name is Analìa Pratti, she lived in Raleigh, NC for 4 years and just got back like 8 months ago. We talk in English to her on the way to charlas. :D She's cool. I told her to expect a facebook friend request from my mom. haha

What else... Elder Luke is a stud. You can tell he gets the mission. His contacts are awesome and totally focused on the family. I'm definitely learning more from him than he is from me. :P

Oh - Micaela is getting married?!?! Man, my prospects are dropping like flies! Haha let's hope Chels is still around when I get back, otherwise I'll have to start fresh!

My comp wants me to drop the cane on you guys for going to Disneyland 4 months before I get home... he says you should have waited. haha I agree. :P

How's Corry doing? Any news? Good to hear Tina is learning from her struggles. Tell her that she should keep playing hard to get, because when big brother gets home she WILL be impossible to get! haha I look forward to it, but the fact that she'll have 3 months of dating without me there is killing me!!

All good on the trip? I'm still getting the details down, but nothing big has changed. This being my last area (probably) is actually nice because that means that we will be able to stay in Deo the four nights, like we had planned.

Alright, I think that's it. I hope you are happy with the long email. :D I love you all and you are in my prayers!

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