So we had a big "temporada" come through - that would be translated as a "major storm system that comes every year and turns the streets to mud"... I think. It sucked. Here are some pictures.
An Umbrella (lasted 24 hours): $10.
umbrella2.jpg - Another: $10.
Three loads of wet laundry: $15.
Hot Chocolate: $2.
Knowing that the more it rains the cuter your wife gets: Priceless. Bring it on!
So... the Balbi fam came to church yesterday! Yay! And they brought a friend! They are doing pretty good, pretty scared for their first time in church. Haha during the sacrament - "If we haven't taken the communion can we take the sacrament?" Great people. We had a KILLER charla with them with a super-stud RM, he basically taught the whole time and committed the kids to get baptized the 30th of October and the parents to get married the 15th of November and baptized that weekend. So they're doing great.
Veronica's kids Lauriano and Romina are getting baptized Saturday, Nicolas and Nadia (who is 8 and technically a ward baptism) are getting baptized the 25th. They are doing well.
We are still looking for more people - we had an investigator stop investigating and another who is still super drunk. We'll see how they do.
Dad: Vamos a tener que hablar en español para poder practicar antes que vengas! Sì, el horario que tienes es correcto, en cuanto a hoteles, si te da la plata, quisiera quedarnos en el Conrad en Maldonado (Punta del Este) - èste es el hotel iconico (Iconic?) de Punta del Este. De hoteles de Montevideo, busca uno en el este de Montevideo, nos quedarà mas cerca. Tal vez puedes hablar con Analìa, ella sabrà. Josè Lavega es un miembro acà en El Pinar. Tiene una familia muy buena, creo que almorcemos con ellos cuando vengas. Y èl refiriò a la "tarjeta" de cumpleaños. Gracias por las fotos y firmas - intento no ponerme trunky! :P
What computer did mom get? That OS disc I made is for installing OSX on a PC... haha good thing it didn't work, it could have gone very wrong. :P Ah speaking of technology - the GPS doesn't work down here. I left it on top of the house for like an hour and it never got a single satellite (before it started raining, of course!) So... yeah. I'll just hang on to it for a little longer.
That's all folks! Love you all!
Alright, I think that's it for the week. We're going to go to El Bosque and party.