Saturday, July 10, 2010

Almost to Changes! 7/6/10

Hey fam!

Well here we are just chugging along. Analìa is in fact getting baptized on Saturday. We had a family home evening with her yesterday with the Stake President and talked about tithing. That's the last of the big commandments, and she's committed to all of them. So we are on track. We found Veronica, things are weird. I don't like visiting her in her house, it just feels really weird. She and her mom are always fighting over stupid things. But Daniela (the recent convert that is saving us right now) has scooped her up and is helping her get back into the gospel.

Well fun day today... I need to get a haircut but everything is closed. I almost wasn't able to email you guys. But in the mall today, I found a group of 40 youth from Maldonado II who went to the temple today. So I sat with them for a bit and hung out. It was super cool to see them again, really uplifting.

I think Uruguay lost today?

I'm really not feeling good as of late, so I'll sign off. Oh, I got my "trunky call" yesterday, that's when Elder Fry calls and asks me what airport I'm going home to and who my stake president is. Huzzah.

Well sorry it's a short weird email, I'll try and have a better one next week.

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