Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Changes are here! (7/13/10)

Uruguay--Futbol Fever!


Crimson Died (remember this plate from his days with Elder Cundick?!)


...and we are staying together. We were pretty surprised. I am with Elder Wally here in the cyber and he gave me this picture of Crimson Died. :( He says he found it like that in the trash can in the Florida church. So that's pretty sad.

Ummm wow lots of questions to answer.

Good to hear that things are OK with Dad at work. Interesting title change... so where does he sit on the totem pole now? Tina sounds like she's doing awesome, I look forward to double-dating with her. :P Not really, Tina, don't think about it. And I'm sure that Princess Emily is giving you guys plenty of work! She is getting so big!

Pretty crazy here during the games, we had to schedule our weekly planning during the games so we weren't in the street - either that or schedule appointments with old lady investigators that don't want to watch the game.

Baptism was actually really awesome. It was super spiritual and Daniela gave a KILLER talk. Analìa is a super strong convert... she is going to tear it up. It was really hard for her to find her testimony but that means that it is going to be even harder for her to deny it in the future. She had her whole family come, they are really cool. I talked to her dad-in-law about the book of mormon and he seems excited about the whole thing.

Veronica is doing well. Some people love her and some hate her, so it is hard. She is just a little socially fried from all her drugs so she's a little awkward - But she loves the Gospel and wants to progress. We just need to get people to fellowship her.

Daniela is awesome, she's going to be such a good missionary. We ate lunch with her and Analìa on Sunday (because we can't eat with each of them alone).

Well I am getting bugged about time, so I'm going to go.

ETA on the package?
Dad, I don't know when you guys should get here, I don't know what the schedule is on my last day. Could you email the offices and ask them about when you should get here? I'm thinking we'll head back on Monday, I'd like to go to Church in my first area, that would be cool. :D I'll think about it today and come up with a more specific itinerary.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ignore this post

trying AGAIN to get facebook to import notes...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Almost to Changes! 7/6/10

Hey fam!

Well here we are just chugging along. Analìa is in fact getting baptized on Saturday. We had a family home evening with her yesterday with the Stake President and talked about tithing. That's the last of the big commandments, and she's committed to all of them. So we are on track. We found Veronica, things are weird. I don't like visiting her in her house, it just feels really weird. She and her mom are always fighting over stupid things. But Daniela (the recent convert that is saving us right now) has scooped her up and is helping her get back into the gospel.

Well fun day today... I need to get a haircut but everything is closed. I almost wasn't able to email you guys. But in the mall today, I found a group of 40 youth from Maldonado II who went to the temple today. So I sat with them for a bit and hung out. It was super cool to see them again, really uplifting.

I think Uruguay lost today?

I'm really not feeling good as of late, so I'll sign off. Oh, I got my "trunky call" yesterday, that's when Elder Fry calls and asks me what airport I'm going home to and who my stake president is. Huzzah.

Well sorry it's a short weird email, I'll try and have a better one next week.

Hey Fam! 6/29/10

Hey fam!

All is good here in Camino Carrasco! We had lots of success, after a really hard week. Lots of miracles.

Analìa is getting baptized! We had a charla with her last night and she told us she had decided to get baptized. She decided on the 10th of July (next saturday!!!) so we are super excited. We took her to a baptism on saturday (a combined baptism of two wards, it was awesome) and she seemed to like it, but didn't like the mirror above the water and said that for a variety of reasons she just wanted to think about the baptism. We were introducing her to EVERYONE saying that she was getting baptized on the 10th, but she was always like "ummm... i don't know..." it was pretty awkward. Sunday she came to church, but seemed to just be there, not really participating too much. I taught a KILLER gospel principles class about Christ (Lesson 3?) and it was really good. Our recent convert Daniela (who has been helping out A TON with Analìa) was crying and everything. But she didn't make up her mind about baptism or anything. So last night we take her to Daniela's house for a charla and she says she wants to get baptized next week! We are super excited. We could tell that she really received an answer and that she realized the necessity of the church. It was a really spiritual charla and are really excited for

There's an investigator Veronica that disappeared from the face of the earth - mom said she was in maldonado and that she doesn't have a cell phone. Well turns out she wasn't in maldonado, the mom said she's been home the whole time and that she relapsed into drugs. So we went this morning to her house to wake her up and chat with her (so we knew she'd be home) and we actually had a really weird charla. Turns out she wasn't in Maldonado, but she isn't doing drugs. And she does have a cell phone, she's been wanting to call us but her mom wouldn't give her the phone number. She hasn't been going to church because her mom locks her in the house so she can't leave and says that we just want to baptize her in our cult. So Veronica is getting ready to move out of the house today because she can't put up with it anymore. I don't blame her. But she is going out to the street and doesn't know where she's going. And she's leaving her 6 year old kid with her mom while she looks for a place to live and work and stuff. So we told her to just hold on while we help her find a place to live and work and take it easy. It's a super complicated situation and we're really frustrated with the mom. We'll see what happens with her.

All in all a week full of miracles and the hand of the Lord. We were super excited for everything that happened and hope to see more miracles as we continue putting in our part.
I hope you all are OK. Still haven't heard anything about Corry. And any news on that package I've been waiting for since January? And Dad, you need to email the mission to get stuff figured out because they are about to start the process of getting me home. (Oh yeah, 18 months down!) You should have the email addy already.

Hey Fam! (6/22/10)

Hey quick one today because I have to take a survey about Preach My Gospel.
Sounds like some pretty fun adventures on your end of the world. Stuff is pretty crazy here, because Uruguay won half an hour ago and they advance. I don't know if the US will advance, they usually don't.

Here we had a pretty solid week. A couple of hard days, but that's life in the mish. We're worried about Analìa... We aren't sure she really has a testimony. But she's still listening and coming to church and stuff. Last night we had a FHE in the Bishop's house. It was super good. Sorry for not taking pictures, I've gotten out of the habit after not having it for a month. Oh, speaking of pictures, the other hush puppies are fine because I usually only use them for district meetings and church meetings. The Bjorns are still awesome. Airplane shoes for sure.
The Analìa from the friend request is Analìa from the ward. She's one of the ones that is super willing to help us. She's super cool. She's planning on moving to Utah.
I'll have a good email next week. Love you all.