Monday, March 15, 2010

Maldonado week 5 From Elder Polera

(See Maldonado Week 5 From Steven for an explanation of this email!)

Sorry for emailing so late. like a day late, all the cybers were closed yesterday because Mujica was put into office yesterday. So everything was closed for the most part. Next week we will email on Tuesday because it is change week. How about tell Elder Thorderson's mom since we know you guys email each other a bunch.

Earthquake....So, no we didn't feel anything here. Which is okay by me. Apparently though an unrelated accident occured in Bolivia or somewhere, a mudslide killed two Sister Missionaries. We don't have details or confirmation, but i think we will find out soon.

So yeah Hillary Clinton came here and apparently some people were talking to the other missionaries about it and asking why our president didn't come here instead. Just kinda funny to me that they don't completely realize their scope in the world.

I'm doing fine. It is weird to think this change is almost over. We don't know how long we are going to be in an area. All we know is that we are here for 6 weeks which is a change and we might be here 1 change or 6. With the same companion or 6. Nothing is really certain other than the 6 week increments. I think we will both stay here though. But we will find out on Sunday.
As far as talking with mission president and our situation here, we are kinda just seeing what happens and are focusing on finding a house. We think we found an apartment and are waiting to hear from the secretaries. It is a little expensive but in a good location for us. And Hermana DaSilva told us that she preferred houses of two so this would split us from the other guys.

So yesterday we went to La Cruz. E' Thorderson, Moffit and Painter our ZLs and the Hermanas from Piriapolis. So we left a little late and miss the first bus. And we couldnt find another until later. So we waited for the ZLs at the station and went on that bus and finally got to Piriapolis and met with the Hermanas. Bueno. But because of Mujica, all city buses in the country were either not running or only every once in a while. So we had to wait a few hours for the next bus. So we looked for a cyber to email everyone, but everything was closed. So the others decided we should eat lunch and then get the bus. Well, we waited for the bus and after a while it kinda meandered on in, late. Okay, finally, we are going to the hill. We all pay and are on our way. Then we get to our stop and get off when the bus driver gets this idea in his head that one of the ZLs gyped him. So we had to sort that out. Finally we were all ready to go. We walk to the foot of the hill, go through a sweet tunnel thing and then head up the hill. Well, it is pretty dificil. Now would be a good time for me to describe one of the hermanas. She is about 3'9¨ and is not in the best of shape. And the first part of the trail is an old riverbed complete with huge rocks. About 3 feet tall. So we get a fifth of the way when this hermana wants to stop and not go anymore because she is way outta her league. Okay, thats all fine, so we keep going and the Hermanas call the ZL a couple minutes later and say wait for them they are coming up. Well, they make it to the quarter mark and the little hermana just can't go farther. Then she sits down and starts throwing up. Oh boy...So Elder Thorderson and Elder Painter decide to go down with the hermanas and wait for me and Elder Moffit to finish the climb and stuff. So we take all the cameras and take a bunch of pics and stuff. So out of 6 people, only two conqueored the hill that day. Kinda like survivor or something. It was pretty funny on the way up and down because since we were taking pics with the others cameras, we took some goofy pics of us on them and stuff.

And on the way down we got stuck behind this group so i decided to cut on a cutback. It was a 6 or 7 foot drop to a ledge and then a couple more to the trail. So I take the drop and Elder Moffit didn't really pay attention and was running behind me and followed right off the edge. (i dont think the thing moms used to say about "if your friend jumped off a cliff would you?" worked on him as a kid.) I landed fine but he wasn't really expecting it and kinda slid/ rolled down the thing. Pretty funny. We got back down in one piece eventually (surprising because we were doing all sorts of acrobatics for pictures and stuff like jumping off big rocks to other ones unnecessarily.) and met up with the others, showed some pics and headed for home.

......i need a breather after that. But Elder T promised his mom 4000 words would be in my email. I think i may just have to include some pics since they are worth a thousand words a piece.

Well i love you guys and will cya latr.


You have a very sweet son! I was impressed that he & Elder Painter stayed with the sick Hermana while the other two went on to the top.

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