Torradefló is still progressing. The other dad we saw he dad smoking, but the bishop says he has goals and so we are hoping that he is working towards them. We are going to have a FHE tonight, and I am making brownies. And Eugenia's friend Martina is going to come (she has been going to YW and stuff) and we are officially going to start teaching her.
We also had Marcelo Mediza's son come to church today. He is 8 years old, but he was born with a different wife before Marcelo was a member, so he isn't a child of record. Convert baptism! Hehe I'm not sure if he'll be getting baptized this change, but we will see. We have a little bit more leeway with young kids... It is rare to see a real testimony in an 8 year old, and their activity is based on the activity of the parents. But it looks like Marcelo (who was inactive) is coming back for good, and I trust him.
We have a friend named Patricia. She's an employee of the cyber we always go to. We taught her once, and she was okay with it. But last week, her grandfather died, and it really hit her hard. So we taught her about the plan of salvation and she ate it up. It was a pretty good charla and I can see her progressing with just a little bit more interest.
Not too much to report on this week, a pretty quiet week.
Let's see... if you are still prepping a package, could you send me a couple of laundry bags and a few metal hangars? Love you!
Hope you have a good week, I'm waiting for news about Corry.
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