Monday, October 26, 2009

Trinidad Week 5 (10/27/09

(yes, that's right--no letter last week...This week's letter trimmed as much was family stuff)

Hey Fam!

How you all doing? I need to make it kinda quick, but just know I love you all!

Awesome to hear you talked with Elder Cundick. He's such a cool guy! Good to hear that his GF is headed on a mission... it will teach that guy some patience! LOL out loud... just kidding. :D

Area is doing good. We've found some pretty awesome people. Although we are getting close to changes (next week, so you won't get an email until Wednesday!), I don't think we're going to get changed. The President is really hinting towards keeping companions together longer, so I am really not thinking he'll kick one of us out after having been here only one change. If anyone goes, it will be Elder Wally, Elder Belleau's companion. :( As far as the package... I think I have dropped enough hints since my last package. Winger's sauce, inspirational music CDs, a new car, etc.

Saludos to the OLD Aunt Rebecca! I saw her birthday on my calendar this week and thought "man that's old. Half a century!!" hehe but I still love her. Show her a picture if she doesn't remember who I am. :P

Everything is cruising here. We are going to some American Schools here in T-dad. We've talked to 6th, 8th, and 10th graders, and we're going back to teach more. It is so much fun. But Elder Belleau (the oldest one here mission-wise) is having problems speaking English.

Hope everything else is going well! You guys are the coolest!

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