Hey fam!
Quick email today... things are rather complicated here. Change day today. I thought I'd be staying with Elder Ferman... as mom said maybe I haven't learned everything I neaded to learn, or maybe I was proud enough to think that he hadn't learned everything he needed to learn from me, but we ended up getting changed. I'm headed to the city of Trinidad, in the department of Flores, but it is part of the Durazno stake. It was pretty hard to say goodbye to the families in Libia, but I'm excited to get to Trinidad. My companion, Elder Fajardo (see photo) and I will be opening the area, there is a ward there and today they are splitting the ward into two areas (two sets of missionaries) and my comp and I will be taking one of the areas. Neither of us has even seen Trinidad, so we're pretty hosed here. We're trying to work out tickets and luggage and mattresses and everything, it is really a mess. And I am the senior comp, and I think the district leader. We aren't really sure because nobody told anybody that I was going to be district leader, but as they were handing out the training packets to the new district leaders, there was a folder with my name on it. So we aren't really sure if I am going to be one or not. We'll work it out.
I'll be living in the same house as Elder Belleau (he was in the MTC with me and also in Las Piedras my first couple of changes). We're really excited - even though I don't know where the house is. :P My new comp is Colombiano, he was born in 33 (mission-wise). Vamos arriba. Pray for us!
Not much other news than that. I'll send a better email Monday, but right now I have to go with my comp to get a molar taken out. We'll get to our area tonight at like 10:00.
Quick news - our ward mission leader's wife (of Libia) had a baby Sunday. His name is MatÃas.
Love you all! Glad to hear that Corry is really progressing, and that you named the dog Sir Duke (as I begin singing Stevie Wonder).
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