Friday, August 14, 2009


Just a quick mom note! Today is Steven's 20th birthday! We sure miss him but are sure he's having a most fabulous birthday in Uruguay! I know he'd love to hear from you! Let me know if you need an address to send him a letter!

Hey fam!

They lost my package? LOL out loud! First time the package doesn't get here within three weeks! But we're still waiting with bated breath (bated?)! But apparently it is still going to be cold for a while... we get mixed opinions. It's hot today, I'm just in my long sleeve shirt. Casco is in short sleeves. (MOM NOTE: The post office in SLC lost Steven's birthday package. We had them do a search and they finally found it and sent it off a few days ago! All the worry about the Uruguayan Postal Service and it's the US one that loses the package!)

Transfers... looks like we're staying together! We're way surprised, but we know that it is what the Lord wants and we're ready to keep working hard(er)! Elder Smeltzer is leaving the zone (sad face) but he's headed to Asamblea, my old area (happy face)! Elder Andersen is coming to the zone (we got to UY together). Montgomery is staying here in Pando, and his companion is going to be Elder Coyago (who has been in every zone of mine since the beginning of time). Pretty interesting, but no big surprises.

Luke has GAINED 20 pounds? He's a little chubster now... lol that's really funny. Can't wait to hear updates on Greg once he hits Hawaii. Has Matt started working on his papers yet? Or is he waiting for his heart to be better?

Elder Faber would love to see you at his homecoming! He's such a stud.

Papi... acà se dice campamentos... campo significa field y estoy seguro que ella va a jugar softball en un campo, pero como parte de un campamento. Quizàs es diferente en Guatemalteco. Y tambien no se dirìa que un programa se chupa. Esto es malo. Mama me dijo que es màs dificil trabajar con Corporate que Elpitha... pobresito! jeje precios para pagar - pero por lo menos tienes un trabajo!

Just so you don't think I forgot... Happy Anniversary Sunday!

Hmmmm... there's a brother in our ward that wants a recipe for cooking Turkey. I told him to put it in the oven and cook it, but he thinks it is more complicated. Next package... if you can find a three ring binder that has the rings 3.25" apart, that would be awesome, but don't look to hard because it really isn't too important.

Well I was going to pull out money, but I decided to look for a camera first... with import taxes and IVA, the same camera I have is like $300. If you really wanted to transfer me $300 for a birthday present, I wouldn't complain.

Quick one today, I'll send a better one Monday with more updates. Love you all!

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