Hey fam!
Short email today, short on time because we slept in.
Things are going good in Libia. We had a baptism Friday. We're planning on two more the end of the month, then 3 at the beginning of August. We are just working so hard on finding people - especially with references. Lucia is right - it's a huge area with plenty of people and plenty of untouched doors. But we're moving forward and I am sure I can leave an impression here.
Great news from Florida! Fabiana is officially getting married the 20th of August, and is getting baptized the 22nd! Thanks for your prayers! We're still waiting to see what happens with Patricia and Tony.
There's a handwritten letter on the way to Tina - I just don't have time to write her an email. Sorry! But she'll like the letter, we talk about all the same stuff. :P I'll be sending another one next week. And there are more letters on the way this week for forwarding. And more next week. I hate playing catchup!
Elder Casco would love some long-johns, particularly the bottoms. He doesn't have anything but his pants, and he's definitely jealous in this weather! That's all he asked for. All I want for my birthday is Peanut Butter. haha and a priesthood line of authority from Dad.
Congrats on your pimp certificate. Errr... PMP. I know you deserve it... "it's hard out here for a PMP". hehe but a trip to Guatemala would be awesome! I was talking to Elder Casco about learning Kek'chi with ya, he says it's a great idea. Next time Craig talks to you about Guay, take down some names! I'd love to catch up with some of these people! (Mom Note: Evidently, he didn't read mom's email, because I sent him names! sigh...)
I'm sending along some pictures. One is of Sofia's baptism. It was so awesome! It went really well, and her non-member mom came (who we almost had to maim to get her to let Sofia be baptized). We're now teaching Lucia (the 11-year-old in blue). The morochos are friends of the family, and we're working with them too! Vamos arriba!
Oh, mom, look up Cleon Skousen. Way cool stuff he talks about, you'll love listening to it. He's really fun too.
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