Hey fam!
Some lady just walked into the cyber who is in a different stake. She said "saludos a las familias", so just letting you know she says hi.
Yeah, I'm feeling much better. Working hard as ever! So I have Jeff Brock, Brian Jensen, Aaron Karr... anyone else in Brasil? Greg's headed off soon! There's a letter for him coming... hope it gets there! Iit's awesome to hear that Scott's getting ready for his mission! I wrote Micaela back, should also be coming. Saludos to Bro. Rassmussen and Obispo Organista. Did he serve here? Wicked!!
I'm glad to hear Tina loved EFY. Definitely an awesome experience, even better up in Logan! I look forward to her email! Let's hope she stays angelic (*cough*) in Highland!
We had Zone Conference Wednesday. I got to see my daddy (Elder Faber). He's starting to smell like dead elder...heads home in September. He's one of the Zone Leaders in Norte. I also got to see Elder Martindale (Elder Casco's dad), Elder Belleau and Elder Rostaing (in the MTC with me) and the President and his wife. Pte Da Silva is such a capo! He is letting us take an hour a day to study the language. But I'm using my hour to help out Elder Casco with his English program, so my spanish isn't getting much attention. But poco a poco... haha Hermana Da Silva totally dropped the cane on all the sick people. She said (translated) "I'm sure that if you studied the Missionary Health Guide like Preach My Gospel says, there wouldn't be as many sick people that can't work."
Lol out loud! Elder Faber gave the musical number for the Zone Conference. There's someone in his zone that plays the Ukelele, so he totally rocked Love at Home singing along to a uke. Elder Casco has a recording.
We celebrated my birthday in zone conference. I got brownies made by the Hermana. They had nuts in them, but still pretty good.
We've started to teach another girl named Lucìa. Lucìa Schmit - lol! She's 12 years old and way ditsy. Her grandma was baptized when she was 9 and hasn't been back to church since. We knocked their door and we're teaching them a full! Lucìa wants to come to church, but hasn't yet. The grandma wanted to too, but got stuck taking care of the grandkids. Lucìa wants to bring her best friend to church next week too! So we're going to go with Carolina and Mariana Dos Santos (who are her age, and awesome member missionaries) to pick them up Sunday and take them to church. We went to teach her with the Dos Santos girls, but her grandma wasn't there. So she got embarrassed (because she didn't want to answer questions wrong) so she went up to her room and wouldn't come down and talk with us. One of her cousins said she was crying because she was so embarrassed (I think embarrassed is the right translation of verguenza...). But we went back the next day and had an awesome lesson with her. We're going to start teaching her friend Victoria and her together. She's a golden investigator (when she talks with us! haha)
We also had a pretty interesting lesson with an investigator named Manuel. He's been taking the lessons for 4 months and isn't really progressing. Comes to church every now and then, and won't take a baptismal date. So we went with the 1st counselor in the bishopric (got back from his mish 3 years ago) to try and resolve the doubt - the root of the problem. It pretty much comes down to a lack of faith - he's taking the charlas and reading the book of mormon because "he has sympathy for us (because we come here and leave our families and stuff) and doesn't want to lie to us, or tell us that he hasn't read the book of mormon." Pretty fun charla. We'll see what happens with him.
We had a zone activity last P-day. It was alright. I mostly just played the piano. The 14th ward building has a Clavinova, and I'm with Elder Smeltzer in the zone (finally!) so we rocked it out. We had like a two-hour four-hands jam session. SO MUCH FUN! Elder Smeltzer is the bomb. He's a little methodic, but we play a mean four-hands. He does some interesting chord substitutions when I want to do other chord substitutions, so we end up playing a lot of Δ7b9#11 chords, or lo que sea. Haha dad just laughed, I'm sure.
Thanks for the package! Thank Denise for me. Mike and Ikes are awesome - one of those things you don't know you'll miss until you don't have them. But it is SO humid that they stick together after a couple of days. Loving the pens... they write sooo smooth!
Can you find out a little more about package restrictions into the US? I found out that I can /send/ alfajores without a problem (just lots of money), but the Correo says that I shouldn't send it because the US has lactose import restrictions, and alfajores have milk in them. So the USPS will get it and won't send it on to you guys. So they say.
Look forward to hearing from you! Love you all and I'm praying for you!