Friday, June 19, 2009

Week 3 (June 8, 2009)

Hey fam.

Good to hear Corry tried out for the baseball team. Greg is going to hawaii?!?! man... that's such a great place for him. Almost Tonga. And Burton is in Mexico, sweet.

*cough* addresses *cough*

Anyways, I ate rabbit! w00t it was pretty sweet. There actually wasn't a lot of meat on the bone, but it tasted like chicken (I can't believe I just said that).

I did an intercambio with Elder Calderòn on Thursday. Elder Calderòn came to my area and Elder Cundick went with Elder Brogan in Piedra Alta. We did pretty good. But we got to our last lesson, with Fabiana. We swung by the Suarez Fau family to get Carolina to come with us to the lesson, and Laura (the mom) told us that Fabiana's son had just gotten kicked in the head by a horse like five minutes ago. That's pretty bad. So we ran down to the hospital (walked quickly, rather) and he had already been released by the time we got there. So we ran back to Fabiana's house and gave Bernardo a blessing. Guillermo too, because he got kicked in the side. Then we talked to the family about fasting. They fasted, and it looks like Bernardo is going to be fine. Fabiana's husband is still on track to leave next Monday, but he agreed to come back in August to get married. They're going today to get the date picked at the courthouse. It's a mess. Long story short, they're getting married, just not yet. Pretty much same situation with Beatriz, her husband is leaving to a peace mission in Haiti (he's in the military) in the beginning of August, so they're talking to the judge to see if they can get married before August. We're hoping for a miracle with her. We had a kid named Dennis come to church yesterday. He's 10 and his dad is inactive. But we're planning on baptizing him the 27th. We also found a lady named Silvana Borgarelli. She took the lessons with her brother, but ended up contracting spinal cancer and couldn't go to church, so she didn't get baptized (we think the missionaries dropped her because she couldn't come to church). So we are hoping to baptize her the 25th. She didn't come to church this week, we don't know why. Tony came to church again. Patricia (his partner) didn't, she's working like 18 hours a day, saturday she worked for like 28. We're working on finding her a better job so she can work tranquilo and go to church.

The musical program is all set to go on Friday, we're still picking out songs though because it looks like it is going to be really short. Wish us luck!

Well that's all for now, Elder Cundick's turn. Sorry it's so short, I had problems with one of the computers and had to switch.

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