Hey Family!
Well sure enough, I got transferred! Only two changes in one area is pretty quick, but here we go. My new companion is Elder Godoy from Buenos Aires. That's right, a Latino comp! I'm pretty scared... he's got a pretty rough accent, but I'll catch on soon enough. I'm sure I'll have Spanish down really well by the end of this change, though! He is a Zone Leader, so I am looking forward to a lot of late nights waiting for phone calls and everything. From everything I hear, he's a stud (acá se dice "capo"). I am headed to Florida, an area called Asamblea. It's in the city, but it stretches out into the campo, if I understand right.
Update on Las Piedras - everything was going well when I left. We found a golden family (Barrios) and took them to the General Conference. He can't stop talking about how awesome it was, and he is going to stop smoking and drinking and watching this televangelist. So I'm pretty sure that Elder Duggins is going to baptize them this change. Sergio (Jessica's boyfriend) is going well, Dugg is going to put a baptismal date with him the next visit. Still haven't heard from John and Stephanie. Lorena came to church (she has inactive parents so it has been a while) and the mom is going to start home teaching. Hopefully the family will reactivate and Lorena will want to get baptized, because the last baptismal date we set, she rejected and said she didn't want to get baptized.
Wasn't conference awesome?? I heard a lot about adversity, and a lot about temples. I also loved Jeffery R. Holland's talk about Christ and Easter and stuff. And the new Apostle, Elder Anderson, looks like a stud too. For those who were there, President Uchtdorf's Priesthood Session talk was incredible! I love Nehemiah 6:3 now. My favorite quote is from M. Russell Ballard: "You cannot do a Google search to get a testimony and you can't text message faith." lol out loud! Other good quotes: "The Gospel is the way of Discipleship" from President Uchtdorf's Sunday talk, and "Unfortunately, the time of the full-time missionaries is spent finding people instead of teaching them," and "We must open our mouths and testify. We must warn our neighbors," both from L. Tom Perry's Sunday talk. Finally, from Kevin W. Pearson, "If we desire more faith, we must be more obedient." I'm just waiting for the Ensign to come!
I love you all, and am still waiting for letters! *cough* Loved the pictures of Em!!
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