Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2/25/09...In a Weird Mood Today...

Well, Steven was in quite the mood when he typed his email this week--not good, not bad, just weird! Of course, all that know and love Steven know all about those weird moods! LOL! Here's what he has to say this week:

I'm sorry to hear that Larry Miller died. I'm sure the jazz will go on losing without him. :P Speaking of which, how about that Utes v Crimson Tide game? Thanks for telling me! hehe Sounds like Haloti gave a great talk too. I hope it impressed you well. Luck to Ali, I'm sure he has done some great things and deserves this award. (MOM NOTE: Ali Sayed-Sarwar, a former student of mine, just won the Utah Youth of the Year award yesterday!)

Good job working on meaningful prayers. It is something we are working on too, to better know the needs of our investigators. I am hardly surprised to hear that the kids are still all motivated by stickers. I have some great stickers on my agendas, just you wait and see!

I hope Corry lands this job at the Golf Course. And Tina - why haven't the parents met your non-boyfriend yet? I didn't know he was from Spain, he probably wouldn't have understood the Spanish I told you to say anyways... it's country-Spanish, not "pure" spanish. And remember that the Elders in the ward are here to work, not for the girls!

Mom, don't have too much fun at the beach, if you get to go! I'm pretty sure I won't get to see the beach here for a couple of years, I have heard very few stories about missionaries who have. And budget cuts... what is up with that? Gotta love a red state... but I am glad to hear that you have some good allies on the board. And I am very surprised the car is clean... be sure to put a sticker on the board! Good luck with Dell! I think you get the Americans, I'm not sure though anymore. (MOM NOTE: I'm headed to San Diego for a school board conference and my new Dell laptop sucks!)

Looking forward to getting the addresses. It won't take as long as a package because it doesn't spend as much time in customs, but I still have to wait a little bit before I get it. If you really want to send me stuff in my next package, you could send medical tape, a spiral-bound spanish hymnbook, Warm Vanilla Creme hand lotion from Bath and Body Works, and/or a Portuguese learning book for dummies. Also, I would love the address(es) of the Barrios family's family here in UY. (MOM NOTE: Anyone else laughing about a missionary in Uruguay asking for Warm Vanilla Creme hand lotion from Bath and Body Works?! LOL!)

I'm surviving. I'm still not done at the doctor... I still have a stitch in my toe that I'm hoping they'll take out Friday. They are afraid that I have an infection, but they aren't sure because my doctor has been on vacation for Carnaval. But I'm surviving.

My area is great, and we have maybe three baptisms I hope to do in this change. We're struggling a bit with the investigators that we have, but we are going to go out and find more! Elder Duggins from Sacramento is my new companion. I told him that dad was born and raised in Davis, and he said "too bad." Maybe there's some bad blood here? We had a conference with Elder Jensen from the Presidency of the Seventy and Elder Zivic from the 1st Quorum of 70, in the area presidency. it was great, I'll tell you all about it next week, along with some pictures.

Well that's all for now. Say hi to everyone for me!

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