Hey Corry!
Sounds like there was a pretty good crowd of famous people at that west game! Did you get to meet any of them? Say hello to Mr Harper for me... and She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed (his wife). I hear you're getting ready for golf... how's that going? Got any new clubs? Nah... just kidding, I know you haven't! Get those grades up!
Hey Weenie -
Astro Camp is way fun! You'll have to look up the place where I go for my space fun - www.spaceedventures.org They are both way fun though, I'm glad you got to go! Who did you go with? Why? When you go to EFY, Logan is definitely the place to do it! You can't get Aggie Ice Cream at BYU! Where are you going for Youth Conference? Getting excited? How about your volunteer job at Discovery Gateway? You'll have to tell me how that turns out!
Mom - Elder Faber flipped out when his mom told him that you two met! She made special note that when you met, you were wearing all your Utah clothes - good to know we're in good company! We're both a little worried because we don't know what you two are talking about! As far as the package - did you actually get it sent off? About time! We have zone conference on Thursday this week, so unless it gets here in the next three days, I probably won't get it for a few weeks (when I go in for my interview with the president).
As far as the work - we're doing a lot of tracting and a lot of reactivation. We have a lot of less active members, but we're trying to get them all to come back to church. We're also working on the members' confidence in us. That, and we're shooting for 20 contacts each day. We usually come pretty close. We're teaching a couple and trying to get them ready for baptism. We've tought them most everything that we can... we just need to get them married and stop smoking. There's another woman that we're teaching that wants to be baptized, but needs to get married to her husband first - and he needs to get divorced from his first wife! Ugh... but we did find a pretty golden investigator, we've tought her two lessons already, we want to get her baptized this cambio, because she knows it is true. Now to get her to church! Then just a couple of other investigators here and there.
We've got a strong ward... we have like 600 people in the ward, but only 120-something active. The leadership is really strong and really active, we have a great young bishop. He's fun to work with. And he got me to try "mormon beer", which I thought was root beer, since he called it "mormon beer" but was really "malta", or just non-alcoholic beer. YUCK!
Missionary scripture... I don't have my scriptures on me, but look for the verse about calling on the weak things of the world to thrash the nations by the power of his spirit. If the Bishop doesn't like it, you can use DyC 84:88.
Good to hear emily is growing up... even if potty training is difficult. :P She's in primary already? O.o Say hi to Fam. Foster, Brother Farnsworth, ESLC (with an extra shout out to Denise in return), Grandma, Grandpa, Eric, Krae, Heidi, Aunt Dalene, Jensens, Nanny and Aunt Rebecca and fam!
Dad -
Yeah, my spanish is suficiente... I can usually hang on to most conversations, of course it is much easier to listen than to talk!
Sure, re-do your studio now that you don't have me to mess it up. :P Sound like a pretty fun project though.
Haven't baptized anyone yet... we tried to set a couple of dates for the middle of february, but they didn't come to church so elder faber says we have to set up a new date for them.
Keep an eye out in the Spanish Liahona for me... they have the group pictures from the CCM in there. I think it might be a while though. Just keep an eye out. I'd send you the picture myself, but I left it at the CCM. Bah.
I can't believe I'm already starting another list for my next package, but here goes! Dad, I need you to send a couple of things of oil... good oil is hard to find here and they don't have any at the distribution center here or in Bs As. I'll also need you to send a memory card reader... I just looked at my camera and it has to be different than every other camera and not have a mini-USB connection. So to send you pictures while I'm out here, I need that stupid card reader. I'll keep an eye out here though and see if there are any in these stores (which have ancient computers, btw!)
The work is going great... I'm tired all the time and I can almost hear my legs telling me they hate me.
Elder Faber and I made food today. It was really good. I'll be sending you a picture through email of us cooking. Next week, when I remember to bring my fob, I'll send a picture and video through the FTP which should work a bit better. The internet is so slowwww here!
Well, I better get off soon. Picture on the way, love you all!
MOM NOTE: He also sent me another email where he asked for materials to teach people English. I'll be sending him some workbooks and lesson plans for teaching ESL. He ended both emails with "I love you" or "love to you all" so looks like he is a quick learner! Thanks for all your prayers for our Elder.
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