Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Note from Elder Thorderson!

Well, Elder Thorderson arrived in Buenos Aires a few hours ago. He was able to send out an email to us to let us know he arrived safely. Here is the email he sent:

Boy, these keyboards are funky...

I'm here, and we have computers, so I can email every p-day.

Dad, go ahead and forward my email here. I think I'll be able to reply to all of them. :D

I'll be out of here in three weeks, they think I know spanish well enough to have a latino companion and go out with all the other latinos. Everyone else has 9 weeks though. I should have kept my mouth shut. ;-)

Love you all.

***Mom's note: We knew his Spanish was good enough that he wouldn't stay the entire time in the MTC! Thanks to all the Spanish teachers at West High! Y'all did a great job! Remember, you can email Elder Thorderson at or you can send him letters. His address is in the previous post.

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