Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Huzzah! 5/11/10

Hey fam!
So, I pretty much told you everything already.

here is a pic of us at Burger King. :D

(MOM NOTE: When we spoke to him, he told us that he almost died when he dipped his fries in his chocolate shake. He got a double whopper--which I thought was funny until I saw the photo where his companion had TWO double whoppers! LOL!)

Dad - here is the email of the mission offices. 2019507@ldschurch.org They say to email them first and then they'll get you in touch with the Missionary Travel department and stuff. I'll think about it all today (since it is p-day) and I'll have a list full of questions for you. (MOM NOTE: Dad is going out to pick up Steven at the close of his mission)

Ummmm yeah not much else, I'm going to head home and sleep. Ummm as far as the camera, I haven't heard anything. Don't think you can Amazon it. lol out loud. The phone call should be cheap, just like $20. I'll let you know when I get the bill.

I got a letter today from Micaela, I feel bad because I don't think I ever wrote her back from October. hehe I'll get a reply sent out next week.

This Friday we have Zone Conference. Should be fun. We as ZLs have to coordinate the lunch, and we have a couple who is investigating that happen to cater, they do a lot of events for the catholic church and stuff. So we are going to talk to them and find out what they can do for us for cheap.

Well my time is up. Love you guys and I'll have a better email for ya next week. :D

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Phone Call

Well, it was touch and go for a short time as we couldn't get through on the phone number Steven sent us! Finally, after 30 minutes of trying, we received a phone call from him! We had a great visit, he got to hear Emily sing "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom", Mom did not cry, Tina called him a dork, and Dad promised to go to Uruguay to pick him up when his mission is over! Great phone call!

I was fun to hear from him. He's doing great, he sounds fantastic, and I sure miss him. I hope these next 7 months go quickly for me and slowly for him.

May 4--Your Sons, Our Elders

MOM NOTE: Today began with a great email from Dan and Bonnie Wetherby--an American couple in Uruguay teaching teachers to teach English. They sent photos of the boys along with their email below:


My wife and I live in Montevideo and have had the wonderful pleasure of meeting your sons while they are here in Montevideo serving with all their heart, might, and mind. You have every right to be very proud of them; we certainly are. Thank you for the hard work, love, and sacrifice you poured into their lives.

Our friends, Larry & Hope Fredrickson just arrived for a visit to Uruguay when, by chance, we encountered your sons in the main plaza (Plaza Independencia). We snapped a couple of quick photos and thought you might be interested in seeing them.

Lord bless,

Dan & Bonnie Wetherbee

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Good Week, I think (5/4/10)

Hey fam!

So we had a pretty good week this week, number-wise. We were out sick a few days and didn't get to work. I got sick on Sunday with a stomach bug and had it all week, Elder Belleau was throwing up one day. All in all we had two days in the house. But we still worked and saw some miracles. Found some good people to teach. One of them is named Analìa. She was a lady that we found doing contacts, she's in her early 30s. She said that she had been out of the hospital for just two weeks, and was doing good. We asked her what happened, and she said she tried to commit suicide. She talked about how she thinks that there is life after death and just wanted to see it. We testified our butts off and left her a plan of salvation pamphlet. We'll be visiting her next week because her work schedule is weird this week.

Mary Sol's baptism went bad. haha she is ready to inactivate. She was basically forced at the end by the 1st counselor and the ward mission leader to bear her testimony. She is a super shy and really didn't want to bear her testimony. so we said she wouldn't have to, but then things just kinda fell apart at the end. Then she asked me to confirm her, right? right. So Sunday we go to confirm her, and as we are walking up, the 2nd counselor (the bishop is having open heart surgery and the 1st counselor got the flu) looked at me and did a quick "no" nod. I did the "Whaaaaa?" look and he just shrugged. so I tugged on Belleau's jacket and we sat back down. She got up and I heard her say "Los misioneros?" and the high priest's group leader confirmed her. Wow. Afterwards, Elder Belleau told me "She's never coming back to church, is she?" She's pretty upset about the whole thing. She told us that the only reason she came to church was to get confirmed, otherwise she wouldn't have showed up. Ugh.

So.... I broke my camera. I don't know how it happened, but the LCD screen on the back broke. I'll take it in today to get the repair quoted, I'll have a price for you (hopefully Sunday) so you can approve the cost and send me the money. If you don't approve... I guess I can still take pictures and stuff, I just can't see them. So, yeah.

Pretty exciting to hear about dad's bump up. HPRO VP of IT? With his MBA and PMP? His newly-earned DotY? (Try and figure out what that is) hehe you're a stud. I'm proud of ya. Any idea if you'll be coming down around Christmas time?

(MOM NOTE: I saw some of Steven's friends at a wedding reception and wrote him about it.) I was thinking about Cami the other day - how weird! I hope you said hi for me. I just sent Chelsey Olsen a letter. :D Ummm - I got Mykin's wedding invitation. It was addressed to Elder Stevie Thorderson - how socially crippling! lol out loud.

Well i love you all. Have a great week!

Camino Carrasco 4/27/10

Elder Thorderson with President and Sister da Silva

Hey fam!

Well some fun stuff happened this week. But first some stuff before I forget. The mission address changed, because the offices moved. Here it is:

Misión Uruguay Montevideo
Dalmiro Costa 4635 Bis
C.P. 11400 - Montevideo

As far as the week... oh as you may have noticed I will be emailing you on Tuesdays from now on. The offices have their p-day on Tuesday (because there is a lot to do on Monday) so the whole zone also has p-day on tuesday. We work for about an hour in the morning, then we have our 90 minute district meeting, then we have p-day. Today for p-day, I had the TRUNKIEST experience EVER. I played catch with my dad. Well, with the president. He has never played catch before, didn't know which part of the mitt to use to catch the ball. Hahah it was awesome. Then we played soccer for like an hour and a half. Now we are here in Portones. A full.

Well Elder Belleau is treating me pretty good. We have a pretty cool area, good peaople but it is super hard to find new people to teach. But we have a baptism on Saturday, a lady who got baptized like 10 years ago but never was confirmed. So Elder Belleau will baptize her and she asked me to confirm her. Giddy up.

Other news... Saturday Elder Belleau convinced me to buy a razor blade and shaving cream, and so Sunday had my first blade shaving experience. It was pretty much great - closest shave ever. But Monday wasn't near as good, the razor blade kept catching. and today I tried again, but it just tore me up and didn't get close at all. So I think it's back to the shaver. Huzzah. But at least I tried, right?

Ummmm I think that's it for this week. Here's a pic with the pres after our Zone leader meeting. Yay. Oh, I'm going to pull out a bit of money to print some pictures and send you my 2 memory cards from Trinidad and Maldonado.

There you have it. Thanks for the news, good to here Corry is still around. Hugs and kisses to Tina, and I'll talk to you guys in a couple of weeks.

Love you!